“This Is Not A Miracle” di Food, ECM (dettaglio di copertina)
Tenera è la notte

“This Is Not A Miracle”

  • 18.05.2024
  • 1 h e 37 min
  • ecmrecords.com

Massimo Ferrante; La ceserina; Felmay

Benny Carter; Cocktails for two; Verve

I Gatti Mézzi; Micio; Sam

The Young Gods; In C Part 4; Two Gentleman Records

Gabrielle Cavassa & Adonis Rose Trio; You Taught My Heart to Sing; Storyville Records

Davide Ambrogio; Veniti Sonnu; Catalea

Donny McCaslin; Love what is mortal; Greenleaf Music

Hauschka; Knowledge Is Passed On; City Slang

Jane Birkin; Lost Song; Parlophone

Espen Eriksen Trio; Cold Front; Rune Grammofon

Tom Waits; Watch Her Disappear; Anti

Food; This Is Not A Miracle; ECM

Bill Frisell; There In A Dream; Blue Note Records

Larry Elgart & His Orchestra; Dawn; Él Records

Anne-Andrée Gingras-Roy; Anelli; RSI

Johnny Clarke; None Shall Escape The Judgement; Soul Jazz Records

Swiss Jazz Orchestra / Guillermo Klein; Manuel; Sunnyside Records

Jimmy McPhall; My mother, my father (heritage); Boplicity

Kuba Kapsa Ensemble; Vantdraught 4: No 4; Wire Magazine

Bim Sherman; Can I Be Free From Crying; Beggars Banquet Records

Septeto Internacional; E.D.A.Y.D.R. (Efecto De Aceleracion Y Desaceleracion Ritmica); DMG Records

Coladera; D’Orixá; Agogo Records

Coleman Hawkins & Ben Webster; Tangerine; Verve - PolyGram

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